I believe it will be very useful for all users utilizing the PrismHR integration if we could have the API pull in the Standard Hours field within PrismHR.
In addition to onboarding new hire information, an endpoint to get the signed PDF documents that employees sign during onboarding process, that we can pull via API to store in local documents store.
Use hire date as effective PrismHR employee sync date vs. the date of the sync.
This would eliminate having to manually update the effective date to the hire date so that scripting will function properly. The only field that should remain the date of the sync that we can think of would be for pay rate changes.
Delete default hours for hourly employees in AW/Payroll Relief when Roundtripping.
When Roundtripping a new hire from WorkforceHub Plus to Accountants World/Payroll Relief, the default hours are not deleted in Payroll Relief for hourly employees. The Timesheet Sync doesn't override the hours in Payroll Relief either because they...
Customize or Limit fields in Employee Settings with PrismHR integration
There are more Employee fields syncing to Swipeclock than needed compared to TWP. Employee addresses are not necessary, but fields like PTO Approver and Email address that is marked as Primary are.