I would like to figure out how we can list an alternative email address for our Property Managers to receive direct report notifications (time off requests, etc.) to a generic property email address without impacting the original email address we ...
Show shift comment or shift title on the schedule view. When you have multiple shifts and positions for the same day it is difficult to see what shift is for each position by looking at the calendar
Be able to print the Time Card overview page rather than print each employees time card.
Under the tab "Manage Time Cards" in WFH it would be helpful for many reasons (one of which being saving me a lot of time) to be able to print the Time Card overview page rather than print each employees time card individually.
be able to create reports across the entire platform from one area
be able to create an employee report that contains information from all the employee profile sections including contacts in one report and not have to take the information and create own form, having to recreate all the work all over again.
Dont see Help menu in WHUB same as you have one in TWP where provider and clients can search their questions/topics and use it as manual for trainings, not have to as us for every question
When a new employee is synched to Payroll Relief, the NY disabililty box is automatically synced but the NY PFL is not. PLease update this so the PFL check box is automatically synced .